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Cloud firewalls are software based, cloud deployed network devices, built to stop or mitigate unwanted access to private networks. As a new technology, they are designed for modern business needs and sit within online application environments. Because deployment is much simpler, organizations can adjust the size of their security solution without the frustrations inherent with on-site installation, maintenance and upgrading. As bandwidth increases, cloud firewalls can automatically adjust to maintain parity.

Cloud firewall providers account for the built-in cost of high availability by supporting infrastructure. This means guaranteeing redundant power, HVAC, and network services, and automating backup strategies in the event of a site failure.

Cloud firewalls can be reached and installed anywhere an organization can provide a protected network communication path.

A cloud firewall is capable of filtering traffic from a variety of sources. It’s capable of guaranteeing the security of connections made between physical data centers and the cloud. This is very beneficial for organizations looking for a means of migrating current solutions from an on-premise location to a cloud based infrastructure.

Cloud firewalls provide the same level of secure access as on-premise firewalls. This means advanced access policy, connection management, and filtering between clients and the cloud.

Cloud firewalls can integrate with access control providers and give users granular control over filtering tools.

Cloud firewalls provide tools for controlling performance, visibility, usage, configuration, and logging; all things normally associated with an on-premise solution.

All types of cloud firewalls are cloud based software that monitor all incoming and outgoing data packets, and filter this information against access policies with the goal of blocking and logging suspicious traffic.

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