A New Era Begins: GlassHouse Joins the e& Enterprise Family


There are 4 different levels of certification determined by the Uptime Institute, which are internationally valid and focus on the capacity, redundancy and fault tolerance of a data center or IT infrastructure facility. In order to obtain Tier certificates, the technical requirements of each level must be fulfilled.

Uptime Institute TIER Comparison Table

  Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV
Building Type Dependant Dependant Independant Independant
Support Shift None 1 More than 1 24 hour support
Standard Energy Per Cabinet < 1 kW 1-2 kW 1-2 kW 1-3 kW
Maximum Energy per Cabinet < 1 kW 1-2 kW > 3 kW > 4 kW
Raised Floor Height 12” 18” 30-36” 30-42”
Capacity of Components Supporting the IT Load N N + 1 N + 1 N + any fault
Redundancy None Yes Yes Yes
Power Distribution Channels 1 1 1 active, 1 alternative 2 simultaneously active
Concurrent Maintenance No No Yes Yes
Max. Permitted Outage Time 28,8 hour 22 hour 1,6 hour 0,8 hour
Uptime % 99,67 % 99,75 % 99,98 % 99,99
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